Scientific papers

This part of our website (constantly in progress) is focused on scientific research. Here you can find articles, studies, research, and publications representing our technology’s scientific foundation. If you have any further needs, please feel free to contact us.

Francesco Pietro Campo, Camilla Tua, Laura Biganzoli, Sara Pantini & Mario Grosso. Natural and enhanced carbonation of lime in its different applications: a review.

Selene Varliero, Samira Jamali Alamooti, Francesco Pietro Campo, Giovanni Cappello, Stefano Cappello, Stefano Caserini, Federico Comazzi, Piero Macchi, and Guido Raos. Assessing the Limit of CO₂ Storage in Seawater as Bicarbonate-Enriched Solutions.

Li-Qing Jiang, Adam V. Subhas, Daniela Basso, Katja Fennel, Jean-Pierre Gattuso. Data reporting and sharing for ocean alkalinity enhancement research.
Ulf Riebesell, Daniela Basso, Sonja Geilert, Andrew W. Dale, Matthias Kreuzburg. Mesocosm experiments in ocean alkalinity enhancement research.
Riccardo Bianchi, Samuele Abbate, Andrew Lockley, Antonella Abbà, Francesco Campo, Selene Varliero, Mario Grosso and Stefano Caserini. Evaluating rainbowing for ocean alkalinity enhancement – IOP science.

Elisa Camatti, Silvia Valsecchi, Stefano Caserini, Eleonora Barbaccia, Chiara Santinelli, Daniela Basso, Arianna Azzellino. Short-term impact assessment of ocean liming: A copepod exposure test.

De Marco S., Varliero S., Caserini S., Cappello G., Raos G., Campo F., Grosso M. (2023) Techno-economic evaluation of buffered accelerated weathering of limestone as a CO2 capture and storage option. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 28:17.

Foteinis S., Andresen J., Campo F., Caserini S., Renforth P. (2022) Life cycle assessment of ocean liming for the removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Gentile E., Tarantola F., Lockley A., Vivian C., Caserini S. (2022) Use of aircraft in ocean alkalinity enhancement. The Science of the Total Environment. 822, 153484. 

Caserini S.Storni N.Grosso M. (2022).  The Availability of Limestone and Other Raw Materials for Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement. AGU Advanced Earth and Space science. Vol.36, Issue5

Fu C., Cefis N., Cremonesi M., Perego U., Caserini S., Grosso M. (2022) Design of glass containers for submarine carbon storage. Packaging Technology and Science, Vol. 35, 3 259-271.

Caserini S., Capello G., Righi D., Raos G., Campo F., De Marco S., Renforth P., Varliero S., Grosso M. (2021) Buffered accelerated weathering of limestone for storing CO2: Chemical background. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 112, 103517.
Caserini S., Pagano D., Campo F., Abbá A., De Marco S., Righi D., Renforth P., Grosso M. (2021) Potential of maritime transport for ocean liming and atmospheric CO2 removal. Frontiers in Climate. 3:575900.
Butenschön M., Lovato T., Masina S., Caserini S. and Grosso M. (2021) Alkalinization scenarios in the Mediterranean sea for efficient removal of atmospheric CO2 and the mitigation of ocean acidification. Frontiers in Climate. 3:614537 . doi: 10.3389/fclim.2021.614537
Campo F., Caserini S., Pagano D., Dolci G., Grosso M. (2019). A process to remove atmospheric CO2 and counteract the acidification of the sea: environmental and economic assessments. Environmental Engineering, 7, 1, 7-22.
Summary of the speeches at the conference “The removal of CO2 from the atmosphere and the Desarc-Maresanus project”. Environmental Engineering, 7, 1, 42-50

Beccari Barreto B., Caserini S., Dolci G., Grosso M. (2019) Carbon dioxide submarine storage in glass containers: Life Cycle Assessment and cost analysis of four case studies in the cement sector. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 1-19.

Caserini S., Barreto B., Lanfredi C., Cappello G., Ross Morrey D., Grosso M. (2019) Affordable CO2 negative emission through hydrogen from biomass, ocean liming, and CO2 storage. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change.

Caserini S., Dolci G., Azzellino A., Lanfredi C., Rigamonti L., Barreto B., Grosso M. (2017) Evaluation of a new technology for carbon dioxide submarine storage in glass capsules. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 60, 140–155.

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